Shhh. Here's a secret. Designing and updating a website with Wordpress is pretty easy.
If you're already used to using Word, Email, or Social Media, you're only a small step from keeping your audience up to date with your latest news, events and cat videos from your very own website. We love giving our clients all the skills they need to take control over their own content - and this way their websites can stay up to date with the latest information at a fraction of the cost.
If you're more computer savvy, it doesn't take much to jump in and edit a few lines of code to make your website that much more awesome. It can help a lot to have someone to get you started though, and we're always happy to share what we know in training sessions, workshops, as well as on our blog
Check out some of the projects we've provided training for below, and feel free to contact us if you need a hand working out how to do that thing.